University of Bradford - connect2

Open hours

Term Time opening hours

  • Monday to Friday: 10am - 11am & 3pm - 4pm
  • Wednesday afternoon CLOSED
  • Saturday CLOSED
  • Sunday CLOSED

    For opening hours out of term time please contact the Loans Counter -


Contact us

  • Phone: 01274 235572 during normal working hours; or 5572 from an internal university phone.
  • WhatsApp: 01274 235572 during normal working hours.
  • Email: for all equipment booking queries
  • Office: Horton D2.20
Follow us on: Facebook X YouTube


Risk Assessment forms

Information about health and safety practice, as well as risk assessements for bookings can be found on Canvas under Health & Safery / Risk Assessments.

You will need to complete a risk assessment form if your filming activities have been considered 'out of the ordinary' by your tutor. Risk assessment forms should be signed off BEFORE you come to collect your items.



1. Access to facilities and equipment restricted to registered students and staff of the University only. Users of the service must abide by the University regulations and procedures.

2. From Monday to Thursday the normal loan period is up to three days. Certain items may only be bookable for a 24-hour period. Equipment can be loaned on Friday for the weekend but must be returned the following Monday unless an extended loan has been agreed.

3. The loan period can be extended to 3 days or longer by arrangement with The Media Loan Counter. The availability of extended loans will depend on curriculum activities and anticipated or actual load on the equipment.

4. Late returns will be recorded and a warning issued. Details of persistent offenders will be referred to the Faculty Senior Management Team who may decide to restrict access to the service for individuals or impose other penalties within the ordinances and regulations of the University.

5. Use of the service indicates acceptance of responsibility for the equipment and the terms and conditions for the loan.

6. Users must not loan the equipment to third parties or other students/staff within or outside the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.

7. Equipment loaned from the service must not be used for commercial gain.

8. Borrowers of equipment are expected to take good care of the equipment and avoid using equipment in wet/damp locations without the use of rain protection. Mains equipment must not be used in damp locations and it's use should be confined to interior use only.

9. Staff reserve the right to require a risk assessment form be completed and signed off before equipment will be handed out.

10. Users are expected to be competent in the use of loaned equipment. Demonstrations and help can be arranged.

11. Users are responsible for the security of the equipment once it has been handed over. Any losses or damages should be documented and reported to the Loan Counter as soon as practical. Any theft of equipment should be reported to the Police and a crime number supplied to  the Loan Counter as soon as possible.

12. It is the borrowers responsibility to check the equipment upon checkout to ensure all required resources have been provided, including batteries, cables and memory cards where necessary.

13. Any faults with the equipment should be fully documented and this documentation handed to the technician responsible for the loans service.

14. Faulty items of equipment will be sent to an appropriate service organisation for repair. This may reduce the equipment available at short notice.

15. The university will not be held liable for equipment bookings cancelled at short notice due to faults or other circumstances.

16. The Loan Counter reserves the right to refuse service if a borrower is unable to produce a valid student/staff ID at time of checkout.